Everything you need to know about applying for Fellowship.
Can I apply for Fellowship?
The Fellowship is an inclusive global community and we welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. You must be above 18 years of age, and demonstrate through your professional career an alignment with our values and objectives.
How long does it take?
You can expect to have your application reviewed within a maximum of 2 weeks of submitting your application. Once approved, your payment will be due and once payment is received, you’ll receive confirmation of your Fellowship.
Do I have to apply online?
Yes, the online application is quick, easy and environmentally friendly.
How likely is it that I will be accepted?
Our ethos is inclusive, and we value all who can positively impact the ecosystem. If there is demonstrable evidence from your professional life, we would be happy to welcome you into the Fellowship.
I’ve completed my application, but haven’t been contacted yet?
If you do not hear back within 2 weeks this may well mean that OPIN will not be proceeding with your application. All fellowship applications are reviewed by and decisions are at the sole discretion of OPIN.
Please contact us if you wish to have your data removed from our files.
The cost
All Fellows pay an annual subscription of £650 (exl. VAT) to OPIN. There is no one-off registration fee. We do not collect credit card information at application stage. Payment is collected by wire transfer once applicant is accepted. Subscription fees are not refundable.
Is there an OPIN designation
No, we do not provide professional designations.