Perks For Members


Drive discussions and help influence the global InsurTech landscape together with other thought leaders on one of OPIN’s working groups.


Advocate for the development of proportionate and effective regulation while attracting greater investment and talent into the InsurTech domain.


Identify symbiotic partnership opportunities to collaborate with organisations who share similar goals or complementary business models.

Participate in Working Groups

Members will have an opportunity to lead or be part of OPIN working groups.


Network with individuals and organisations in the global FinTech community through OPIN Events as well as our partner events at a priority and discounted price.


Share InsurTech best practices and real-life use cases to promote your firm’s unique capabilities and drive engagement opportunities.


Connect with leading individuals and organisations in the InsurTech ecosystem to gain an in-depth understanding of the latest industry developments.


Attract and recruit a mix of leading local and international talent in both insurance and technology to aid your company’s growth aspirations.



Supercharge offshore growth ambitions with connections into national InsurTech associations and industry bodies.


Seek out mentorship opportunities from leading industry professionals to better prepare yourself in the Insurtech Space.

We run the world's largest insurance community. A multi-channel Slack workspace covers almost all insurance lines of business, job vacancies, business opportunities and the means for people to connect directly with each other.



“Covéa's membership of OPIN has been a brilliant hands on experience for me, I’ve been co-developing leading edge data models and post discovery planning looking at how implementation can work at Covéa. The value it’s added to our business and to my day to day role has led to us increasing the number of nominated individuals leading or participating in different OPIN projects from 1 to 4 chief architects.”

Neil Walker

Neil Walker
Head of Technology
Covéa Insurance, UK.

“OPIN has given me the opportunity to participate with other professionals in several thrilling projects paving the way of Open Insurance. OPIN offers the opportunity to work with other members whose complementary expertise enables to build valuable input for the community. In this context, I currently lead a team within the Legal & Regulatory Lab exploring privacy, security and ethical access to data.”

Anne-Sophie Morvan

Anne-Sophie Morvan
Business Development Manager
LUXHUB, Luxembourg.