- EIOPA consults on its proposals on Retail Investor Protection with deadline set for February 25, 2022.
- Brazilian insurance regulator SUSEP - Superintendência de Seguros Privados launches open insurance (in Portuguese) public consultation with deadline set for May 25.
- The FCA's feedback statement on the Call for Input on Open Finance has been published.
- EIOPA launches a consultation on Open Insurance and sets deadline for April 28th, 2021.
- The FCA releases a Call for Input on CONSUMER INVESTMENTS and sets a deadline for December 15th, 2020.
- EIOPA just published a 'Discussion paper on reinsurance value chain and new business models arising from digitization and launched a public consultation.
- The initiative appeared in the Insurance Innovators report 2019-2020
- The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today set out its business priorities for 2020/21
- FCA extended the deadline for response to Call for Input on Open Finance to October 1st 2020.
- EIOPA has released a statement on actions to mitigate the impact of Corona virus (COVID-19) on the EU insurance sector.
- EIOPA has released public consultation on Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP). It's related to implementing technical standards for supervisory reporting and cooperation.
- The commercial registers of Estonia and Finland on Friday started exchanging data over the X-Road, which enables the two registries to make inquiries to each other, reducing paperwork and fraud. Link.
- EIOPA published supervisory convergence plan for 2020 identifying supervisory technology, pensions and cyber underwriting as new priorities.
- EIOPA has published strategies for cyber underwriting and SupTech
- FCA and Bank of England announced proposals for data reforms across the UK financial sector.
- The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), a leading Internet of Things (IoT) standards body has introduced the OCF Universal Cloud Interface (UCI) to unify the IoT Ecosystem through Cloud-To-Cloud connectivity.