Policy & Regulatory
Legal & Regulatory Examination
New Whitepaper from our Labs Exploring the effects of regulations on interoperable standards.

UN/CEFACT Whitepaper Public Review
Fouad Husseini and Anne-Sophie MORVAN have contributed to a whitepaper for the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT).
Titled OPEN FINANCE TO SUPPORT TRADE FACILITATION, the paper is currently in v1.0 draft format and is subject to a 60-day public review until January 22nd, 2022.

Our Views on Open Finance
The Open Insurance Initiative responds to the FCA's Call for Input on Open Finance by providing its perspectives on how the financial markets and consumers could benefit from the principles of sharing access to customer data and common standards for open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

OPIN Responds to EIOPA's Open Insurance Consultation
Members at The Open Insurance Think Tank (OPIN) have deliberated and formulated their collective response to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) consultation on Open Insurance.

Connected Mobility Use Cases
This document describes a range of insurance related analytical scenarios. To be able to do that, we have broadly defined a common understanding on appropriate rules, policies, and practices related to what is required for vehicle data streams to be shared.

The Open Insurance Blueprint
The first release of the blueprint has been the result of the collaborative effort of the OPIN community members.
An approach of looking before leaping has been used in defining the data standard. The Motor line of business was used as a use case in the preparation of the fist iteration of the data schema.

Theory of Change
A presentation of the key components of Open Insurance, its vision, the problem, solution, the opportunities it presents to its stakeholders. It defines the activities leading to the development of industry views and recommended standards.

Insurance Platform Ecosystems
A report designed to define and clarify how an open insurance standard could help in the development of insurance ecosystems and explains the role of smart regulation, network effects, intellectual property, data sharing and open innovation.
![openinsurancefeatureimage2[7098] open insurance initiative whitepaper](https://openinsurance.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/openinsurancefeatureimage27098.jpg)
The OPIN White Paper
The white paper that introduced the concept of Open Insurance to the world! It provided an overview of the fundamental elements involved in insurers providing open access to their APIs.