Open Insurance Blueprint

The first release of the blueprint has been the result of the collaborative effort of the OPIN community members. Collaboration characterizes the key value proposition of the whitepaper of the Open Insurance Initiative, and is something that OPIN will be exploring further with a range of new projects.

The OPIN blueprint will provide early adopters with a free and accessible data standard that scales in scope and one that fosters polygamous partnerships with myriads of ecosystems.

The working document is being made accessible to the largest possible audience embracing wider exploration and validation. Integrating the creative intensity of crowdsourced thinking provides continuity, generates trust and reinforces the horizontal context of value creation.

An approach of looking before leaping has been used in defining the data standard. The Motor line of business was used as a use case in the preparation of the fist iteration of the data schema. Readers will get a sense of the efforts made in studying evolving business models and the technological advances being deployed by the pioneers of insurance platform models.

Open Insurance Blueprint

Complementing these views, OPIN invites subject matter experts, established organizations, startups and stakeholders to enrich the standard that is under development with their views.

In producing this work, significant contributors included:

Anne-Sophie Morvan at LuxHub

Neil Walker at Covea

James Downes at The House of InsurTech

Esben Toftdahl Nielsen at Penni

Ingemar Svenson at IXT Global

Dimitry Mazur at Brokers Navigator

Fouad Husseini at OPIN

Please send your comments by email to before the end of March 31st, 2021 deadline.