Insurance Ecosystem Maturity Analysis
Most business ecosystems fail. As a result more than $50 billion of venture capital is lost every year, not including failed experiments of incumbents that try to adopt the ecosystem model.
This report uses Robosque's Platform Ecosystem MaturitymeterTM to analyze the working modes of 10 successful open insurance ecosystems.
These first-generation ecosystems are at different stages of maturity. A lot of the inherent complexity in transacting insurance is being solved by pioneering incumbents and InsurTech startups.
To avoid strategic blunders, many internal decisions and activities must be performed to introduce best ecosystem governance choices.
With more than a third of platform ecosystems failing because of bad governance practices, it becomes important to contrast the activities of insurance ecosystem pioneers with those of the entire business ecosystem. That is powerful and insightful knowledge.
The report focuses on Euler Hermes, La Parisienne, Santalucia, Nationwide, Liberty Mutual, Assurbox, Hokodo, Cover Genius, Boost Insurance and Qover.
A report prepared for and accessible by Open Lab members