It is a race to control the customer interface
Few realize that Apple's CarPlay is now in 90 percent of new cars sold in the U.S.
Major platforms like Apple will reinforce and extend their network effects by extending their reach into the mobility ecosystem.
Risk carriers should fundamentally reconsider their acquisition strategy and apply more granular approach for capturing value and distributing this value through their ecosystems.
Alliances and standardization are a fantastic way to reshape industries. Similarly, the roles that interoperability and compatibility play cannot be overlooked nor underestimated. Failure to adapt and leverage the developments occurring within the mobility ecosystem will further erode the customer interface that risk carriers and intermediaries have enjoyed.
Insurance operators should recognize the risks and opportunities of value migration from established business positions to new ones. Platform development and product factories bereft of strategic customer acquisition propositions and significant control points will only reinforce the substitution economy. That is the heavy penalty of navigating these new ecosystems with the wrong business innovation model.
A report prepared for and accessible by Open Innovation Lab members