The Open Insurance Think Tank (OPIN) is pleased to announce the publication of the first version of the open insurance API specification. It is based on the Swagger 2.0 and is meant to provide a standard format to unify how the insurance industry defines and describes RESTful APIs.
This release marks a significant milestone bringing together collaborators from across industries, to evolve the specification to meet the needs of API developers and consumers across the world in an open and transparent manner.
We will be happy to engage with developers and receive their comments and ideas to improve the specification.
If you’re an insurance company, a broker or system/software vendor and you adopt the OPIN opensource standards, please let us know. A section will be added to the website listing companies that have adopted these standards thereby building up the open insurance ecosystem.
The spec. can be accessed at SwaggerHub and GitHub.
Many thanks to all the developers and contributors that have been involved with OPIN on this journey.